From 21 to 27 August 2019 , I went to Hong Kong for the umpteenth time to attend my GM IP CHUN's 95th birthday party, as invited as a permanent member of the Wing Chun Ip Chun Academy. It was not the first time that I was invited to my Grand Master Ip Chun's birthday party and this year I accepted the invitation.
On the first day of training, on Friday 23 August, six hours of physical activity divided three in the morning and three in the evening, in which I had the pleasure of practicing with groups from Taiwan and popular China, as well as with the other permanent members of the Academy. Needless to say, the Center was extremely crowded of people.
The first one with I practiced, in front of a "curious public" , is my acquaintance of many years , Chu Kei C-Hing (Chu kei Instructor, 67 years old but It's absolutely looks younger than age just by his appearance) who likes to perform a hard Chi Sao.
A very good Instructor, he has a way of moving every part of the body that I have always found only in him; the first who taught me with this phrase "the wing chun is a lady" that the wing chun must be trained relaxed, without tension, just as the first form Sim Lim Tao shows; and always in reference to this one, he told me that inside it there is 90% of all wing chun; also, the next day he gave an exemplary demonstration to the Mook Yan Jong (wooden dummy) which increased my esteem for him. We performed a chi sao, under the eyes of many, that normally is not performed, but always in mutual respect, and at the end of this he complimented me on my progress.
To follow, who no better than the second son of the Grand Master, IP KONG KIN, who surprisingly came to invite me to practice together. In other articles I have already written about this future legend: an exceptional chi sao from whom there is only to learn.
Really a great Master-athlete .
On the same day, also on Friday, I continued with other different practitioners, and the ones that impressed me most were the Taiwanese martialists led by their seventy year old Master Lin Min. All very skilled and respectful, and in particular one of them spent his time on explaining me some basic principles of "sticking hands".
Always a pleasure and an inner enrichment to visit and train in Hong Kong. A dutiful thank you to everyone. TOCHIE!
On the first day of training, on Friday 23 August, six hours of physical activity divided three in the morning and three in the evening, in which I had the pleasure of practicing with groups from Taiwan and popular China, as well as with the other permanent members of the Academy. Needless to say, the Center was extremely crowded of people.
The first one with I practiced, in front of a "curious public" , is my acquaintance of many years , Chu Kei C-Hing (Chu kei Instructor, 67 years old but It's absolutely looks younger than age just by his appearance) who likes to perform a hard Chi Sao.
A very good Instructor, he has a way of moving every part of the body that I have always found only in him; the first who taught me with this phrase "the wing chun is a lady" that the wing chun must be trained relaxed, without tension, just as the first form Sim Lim Tao shows; and always in reference to this one, he told me that inside it there is 90% of all wing chun; also, the next day he gave an exemplary demonstration to the Mook Yan Jong (wooden dummy) which increased my esteem for him. We performed a chi sao, under the eyes of many, that normally is not performed, but always in mutual respect, and at the end of this he complimented me on my progress.
To follow, who no better than the second son of the Grand Master, IP KONG KIN, who surprisingly came to invite me to practice together. In other articles I have already written about this future legend: an exceptional chi sao from whom there is only to learn.
Really a great Master-athlete .
On the same day, also on Friday, I continued with other different practitioners, and the ones that impressed me most were the Taiwanese martialists led by their seventy year old Master Lin Min. All very skilled and respectful, and in particular one of them spent his time on explaining me some basic principles of "sticking hands".
Always a pleasure and an inner enrichment to visit and train in Hong Kong. A dutiful thank you to everyone. TOCHIE!