On September 2017, from 6th to 25th, I was been in Italy to teach in a different places Wing Chun and Okinawa Karate. First seminar happened in Arquata Scrivia (AL) on 19th organized by Sensei Giovanni Brugna and Instructor Giacomo Ponzano of USAM KARATE ARQUATA. Main topic Okinawa Karate, especially conditioning in Uechi Ryu and Hojo Undo with the traditional tools. To follow, on 21th, i went in Parma (organized by Sensei Diego Mainardi) to teach again Okinawa karate, again with Uechi ryu, introducing Sanchin kata of this style. Afterwards, on 22 th, I taught Wing Chun in Sanremo (IM) at CWK Martial Arts by Sifu Maurizio Zuppa. Here, main topic were chain punches and basic blocks , and Sim Lim Tao (fir st form). Last seminar has happened in Bussana di Sanremo (IM) on 24th, at Blue Beach Bungalows, organized by Sensei Dario Regina (Fudoshin Karate Liguria) and myself. The subject was the self-defense (third time, in the wake of the previous two that we did on March 2017, and September 2016) studing the connections beetwen Karate and Wing Chun. Thank You so much to all Teachers and athletes for partecipating.